The Hidden Arts and Culture You Can Discover in Italy tour

25 Aug 2022 Italy Tours

There are the hidden arts and culture you can discover on an Italian tour. It has history and arts to offer us. Moreover, The world heritage sites have included many places in Italy.

Museums, paintings, statues, monuments, etc can amaze you with beauty and charm. The cities are full of beautiful scenarios and historical buildings. There are guides, hotels to stay, and many inexpensive tour packages for the tourists.

Why should you go on an Italian tour?

Italy is a great place and attraction for tourists all over the world. It’s filled with riches. Visitors often come here to see the spectacular cities, ancient ruins & monuments, incredible museums, etc.

There you can experience the glorious history. Italy touches your heart with the arts and paintings. Many legendary artists, architects, and painters left their epic work in Italy. Want to get deep into history and portraits? Come to Italy.

Italian cities for art and culture immersion

Do you want to grasp Italy’s marvelous culture? Afterward, you should travel to the cities listed below.


Naples The Sunny Southern City of Italy - Rome Tour Tickets Image Source:

A sunny southern city of Italy is ‘NAPLES’. It attracts you with its charm. We can find The Italian Peninsula, The Palatial mansions, Castel dell Ovo (‘Egg Castle’), etc.

The Palatial mansions streets is a classy introduction to the Italian wonders. Have a walk through the Bay of Naples for the cultural scenarios. The oldest of Naples’ fortifications is the Castel dell Ovo (‘Egg Castle’). It gives you incredible insights into more than a thousand years of history. Besides, you can also enjoy some of the best views of Mount Vesuvius, the only active volcano in Europe. Also, don’t forget to see the city’s National Archaeological Museum. It offers a breathtaking collection.


Most Historical Places in Rome
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It’s easy to travel to Rome from Naples by high-speed train. It’s worth spending a day in Rome. There’s The Colosseum, Arch of Titus, Roman forums, Capitoline museums & much more to see.

You can start with the grandest monument Colosseum. It is a well-known sign of Rome. From the Colosseum, wander round the Capitoline Museums. Michelangelo is the designer of that museum & it cherishes ancient Rome history. Take a riverside walk along the Tiber and check out Castel Sant’Angelo.

There’s Vatican City waiting for you. It can amaze you with impressive Saint Peter’s Basilica, paintings of the Sistine Chapel, and so on.


World Famous Arts and Paintings in Florence Image Source:

It’s easy to go to Florence on a short train from Rome. It’s the cradle of the Renaissance and contains an artistic heritage. You will find world-famous arts and paintings here. Only a few steps away from the doorway to the Uffizi art gallery.

Here, you can see great arts like Botticelli’s Birth of Venus & the marble statue of David by Michelangelo. It has the world’s classiest masterpieces of art.


Modern Artworks Museum In Bologna
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One more city to reach by train is Bologna. A wonderful city with a laid-back vibe. There are brown brick structures that are outstanding. Also, there are 25 miles of covered sidewalks. 2 leaning towers can make you amazed on one end of Ugo Bessi Street. Museo d’Arte Moderna di Bologna (MAMbo) is the museum of modern artworks. On the other hand, the Resistance Museum is incredibly informative about Bologna. It tells the stories of the Second World War.


Biennale Art Festival in Venice - Rome Tour Tickets Image Source:

Venice has everything enough to impress you. It’s the city of canals. Bridges & the Vaporetto water buses enhance its charm. It touches historic surroundings, especially during the Venice Biennale art festival. Also, do not forget to visit Saint Mark’s Square and the adjoining Doge’s Palace.

Italy’s cultural attractions


Colosseum Iconic symbol of Ancient Rome Image Source:

It’s a UNESCO Heritage site. The emperor Titus inaugurated it in 80CE to make it an iconic symbol of ancient Rome. Gladiator combats, animal hunting & public executions took place there. People also call it Flavian Amphitheatre. It’s the largest amphitheater on earth.

Guess the popularity as a tourist spot. Over 6 million people visit here each year. Its location is on the east side of Palatine Hill. Vandalism, earthquakes, and fires are the most common reasons for its two-thirds destruction.

Leaning Tower of Pisa

The Bell Tower of Pisa Cathedral - Rome Tour Tickets Image Source:

It’s the bell tower of Pisa Cathedral. The vertical angle of 3.9 degrees makes it different from any other building in the city. The completion took 200 years to complete.

The south side of the building started to lean just after the construction began. The third story construction was in process when it began to lean. Lack of solid foundation and unstable soil is the main reason for its leaning. In January 1990, the tower was closed for the visitor’s safety. After corrective instruction, the tower was opened in 2001.

The flaws and white marble tower provide beautiful views of Piazza del Duomo and beyond.

Trevi Fountain

Agrippa's Ancient Aqua Virgo Aqueduct in Italy Image Source:

Trevi Fountain is the Baroque art masterpiece sculpted from the Travertine stone. It was built in 19 BCE. It represents the sea-god Oceanus & Acqua Vergine aqueduct supplied by it. It’s an evolution of Agrippa’s ancient Aqua Virgo aqueduct.

This is among the most well-known fountains in the entire globe. People toss coins into the fountain believing that it will lead them to the eternal city. It’s a tradition. The correct meaning of its title is “Three Street Fountain.”Aqua Virgo comes to a close with the Revi Fountain. It’s a component of a prehistoric aqueduct system.

There’s also a theme of Trevi Fountain with water to give health and richness.

You can’t drink the water as it’s not safe to drink recycled water. Also, you cannot get in the fountain as it’s restricted for security.

Florence Cathedral

Santa Maria del Fiore The third largest cathedral in the world Image Source:

It ended up taking 140 years to build Santa Maria del Fiore. The Duomo is its local name.

Santa Maria del Fiore has a well-known feature of the Florentine skyline. It has admirable beauty and size. Hundreds of years of history rely on it.

The third largest cathedral in the world is Santa Maria del Fiore. Its dome is a remarkable architectural marvel, and it was decades ahead of its time. Makers constructed the largest brick domes ever on earth. For a long time, there was no great design solution. Then the dome project became a public competition.

There are sculptures, mosaics, frescoes, and other artworks inside the Santa Maria del Fiore. A 24-hour liturgical clock is there above the main door. Furthermore, the nave and bell tower are illuminated by forty-four stained glass windows. Famous Florence artisans left their marks to adorn the interior.


Roman Pantheon The Most Well Preserved & Impactful Structure of Ancient Rome Image Source:

The most well-preserved & impactful structure of ancient Rome is The Roman Pantheon. It’s actually a temple dedicated to all the Gods of pagan Rome.

There are tombs of famed artist Raphel, poets, and several Italian kings. The marble floor shows the unique designs that reflect ancient roman originality.

Also, you will see the beautiful “Fountain of the Pantheon” in front of the Pantheon.

The Pantheon transformed into a church from a pagan temple in the year 609. It’s the first example in the world of that kind of transformation. Moreover, it helps to survive the monument during the wars of the middle ages.

Uffizi Gallery

The Apple of The Eye for Art is Uffizi Gallery Image Source:

Giorgio Vasari constructed a large building, and the Uffizi Gallery is on the 2nd and 3rd floors. It was built between the year 1560-1580.

Uffizi Gallery is the apple of the eye for art lovers & attracts the art lovers like a magnet to metal. Outstanding ancient sculptures and paintings made the gallery very famous. It has a collection from the middle ages to the modern period.

The world saw Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa in the Uffizi Gallery from 1913 to 1914. Tourists always want to see its highlights. Botticelli’s Birth of Venus is the most popular highlight.

The Uffizi is open for entry from Tuesday to Sunday, 8:15 am – 6:50 pm. On the first Sunday of each month, everyone is welcomed free. It remains closed every Monday, January 1, May 1 & December 25.

Visit some famous Italian paintings.

Italy is called the heart of the Renaissance period and has given many excellent painters throughout ancient times. Italian great painters and sculptors put a remarkable effort into European art & architecture. They had a great contribution to the rich cultural history.

There are numerous historical paintings waiting for your visit including the Mona Lisa & The Last Supper is by the great Leonardo da Vinci.

Mona Lisa is a priceless painting. This painting is the most known, written, and visited ever on earth. The painting MONA LISA is in the Louvre in Paris. It has its own glass-ceilinged room.

Primavera by Sandro Botticelli, The School of Athens– by Raphael, Transfiguration by Raphael, and many other paintings lift Italy’s art to a great level.

Finishing touches

Arts and culture are in every layer of Italy. From the buildings to people’s lifestyle you can find out culture and history to inspire you. Amazing buildings, historical & beautiful cities and popular paintings by great artists in Italy are waving at you.

Make more than one trip to see all of the arts and culture. Become a witness of great arts and monuments. It is worth the time of your holiday.

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