7 Things You Should Know About Colosseum Tour

08 Dec 2022 Colosseum

The most iconic place of Rome is Colosseum. It’s also known as the Flavian Amphitheater. One of the world heritage sites is the stadium.

Its location and transportation system make it easy for tourists to visit. There are some guidelines to follow in roaming around the Colosseum.

It’s not the neglected, ruined place. It possesses a great history, architectural wonder and the lives of many humans & animals.

Sometimes you can also see film shooting there.

Location and transportation to the Colosseum

Many of us know that the Colosseum is in Italy. But we are unaware of its exact location. The world-famous Colosseum is at Piazza del Colosseo.

Trains and buses are available for transportation. Both are easy and comfortable. In front of the Colosseum, there’s a metro stop Colosseo.

There’s also a bus service available. Bus routes 117, 51, 75, 85, 87, & 3 (tram). Moreover, the buses that serve Piazza Venezia are also useful to reach the Colosseum. It’s 7 minutes walking distance from the Colosseum.

It opens at 10:30 and closes at 19:15. The last entry is at 18:15.

Rules for visiting the Colosseum

You must follow some rules to visit the Colosseum. For example, visitors can not take backpacks, luggage and handbags inside the monuments. It’s against the law. It’s better to plan on keeping the bags elsewhere.

There’s no storage to keep them. Sometimes guards make a judgment call and allow little handbags or purses. But with a large bag, forget to get an entry.

You don’t need to stand in a long line & can book the tickets online. Grab discounts on tickets on various occasions.

There are various reliable websites to buy tickets online. Make your tour a fantastic one and get the tickets now before it has long gone.

Seven amazing facts about the Colosseum

There are many facts and stories behind the Colosseum. We present the 7 things You Should Know About Colosseum Tour.

  • An ancient place of death

     Colosseum is the most iconic place in Rome, Italy Source image: idsb.tmgrup.com.tr

    Architectural and engineering marvels are everywhere in Rome’s historical sites. Of course, the Colosseum also has an ancient monument tag. But is also known as the silent bearer of blood. There were battles for glory and entertainment. Many lost their lives there.

    In its remaining parts, we can see the excellent design and architecture. Yet, it highlighted the effect of a few bloodthirsty men on the entire civilization.

    You can see the remaining building and the tunnels underneath the Colosseum. The panels were the way for gladiators and animals to enter.

  • The Colosseum’s Heritage & Architectural style

    The Colosseum's Heritage & Architectural style build by The Emperor Vespasian Source image: famouswonders.com

    The emperor Vespasian built the Colosseum. It took ten years to complete om 70 AD. He made the Colosseum using the booty that got from the conquest of Jerusalem.

    The Colosseum is at the site of Nero’s artificial lake. Later, Flavian Emperors filled the lake and named it Amphitheatrum Flavium.

    The bronze statue of Nero is the inspiration for the name Colosseum. The statue’s name is Colossus Neronis. It’s 103 feet tall. The rest of Nero’s house is Domus Aurea. It’s a short walk away.

    The Colosseum was the most significant global amphitheater. It was a marvel considering the sections for class-by-class segregation & comprehensive chairs charts. Moreover, It’s a self-supportive structure & an example of genius architecture.

    There are cross erections on the seats of Roman kings.

  • The Games

     In Colosseum, Inaugural games were held on the orders of the Roman Emperor Titus Source image: artnet.com

    Emperor Titus started a celebration of 100 days of games at the Colosseum. It opened with a spectacle of sea-fight—the games scheduled on days and free of cost for the audience. An editor bore the game s. The editor was the king. He paid for the gladiators, shows and animals. There was a routine to follow in the Colosseum. In the morning, animal hunting and punishments happened there. Then other kinds of executions in the break. And in the afternoon. Battles between gladiators took place. Before the bottling day, authority fulfilled the gladiator’s last wish in the night.

    Tunica molesta is a kind of punishment in Rome. The convicted came in wearing clothes soaked in inflammable liquids. Then the clothes are set on fire, and others keep dancing.

    From 186 AD, men and women started hunting. They dressed up in inexpensive clothes. With weapons, they hunt domesticated elephants, rhinos & hippos. Then they slaughter and butcher them. Later they distribute the meat to the public for free.

    Hunting on inauguration days was very famous. In 80AD, on Titus inauguration day, the presentation was of 9000 wild beasts. 11000 gladiators & 10000 animals participated in the hunting program in the inauguration of Trajan’s in 107 AD.

  • A Pile Of Wrecks With A Thumb Of Green

     The Colosseum is the largest amphitheatre built during the Roman Empire Source image: ak.picdn.net

    After the 5th century’s beginning, the makers and engineers later took colosseums stones to make buildings in the city. The rocks were good material to make substantial buildings. For example, La Scala Santa, San Marco (Basilica of Saint Mark) in Venice, Palazzo Farnese, etc., are colosseum rocks.

    Some rare plants grow in The strange microclimate at the Colosseum’s base. There are more than 3650 species since 18th-century experts are studying and researching them.

    A tour of the underground lets you see the dark side and green thumb of the Colosseum.

  • The Perfect Setting For Parades & Films

    The Colosseum is famous for parades and films Source image: ancienthistorylists.com

    Filmmakers from home and abroad used the Colosseum for filming. It’s a popular and choosable place for shooting. Mainly it helps to shoot historical movies.

    In 1930, Mussolini held fascist rallies. For the first time in 1953, people saw the Colosseum in a movie named’ Roman Holiday.

    Do you know about the movies’ Way of the Dragon’ or ‘Return of the Dragon’? Those blockbusters were filmed in the Colosseum. The legendary Bruce Lee worked in shooting in the Colosseum for the last fight scene in those films.

    Sometimes shooting in the Colosseum is not possible. Then they create setups that look like the Colosseum. It’s a favorite spot for shooting for many directors around the world.

  • A well-known tourist destination

     Colosseum is the well-known tourist destination in Rome, Italy Source image: thestreet.com

    It’s the most visited spot after Vatican city & Pantheon. In a year, almost 6 million people pay visits. So whenever you choose to stay here, expect a crowd. People tend to move fast with efficient staff. It’s worth waiting in line to see the marvelous Colosseum.

    There are tickets available online to skip the long line. You can choose various packages on a single tour. It helps to visit different places like the Roman Forum, Palatine Hill, and Museums.

  • Avoid The Small Vendors near The Colosseum

     The Colosseum is a symbol of antiquity and the city of Rome Source image: colosseumrometickets.com

    Some sellers near the Colosseum approach you to buy ornaments, foods or mementoes. They can be Italian, African and from the Indian subcontinent.

    But some other kinds of sellers are not good. They can say about some special event in their life that happened recently. Then they ask for a gift or tip. Even sometimes, they ask for a certain amount, like 20 dollars. I’m not kidding. This is serious! So be aware and enjoy the trip.

    Don’t rush from the original sellers. They bring a good collection of items.

Finishing Touches

Hopefully, you will find our seven essential thighs helpful to your trip ahead. You can explore the tourist attraction ‘colosseum’ with or without a guide. It’s your choice. But with the help of a guide, you will understand and explore in detail. Try to visit the Colosseum at least even once in a lifetime!

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